Massage Therapy Courses Online
at Altai Massage

Bring your skills to the fore learning the skills and
secrets of Altai Massage™

Nature's own nurture through touch and communication.

Altai Massage™ is a unique experience that uses the amazing power of Mother Nature to take you on a journey.

On this intimate journey the practitioner will learn to read, understand and utilise techniques for body work that will help in their growing skill set in their massage therapy, interpersonal communications skills and healing practices.

The Altai Massage therapy courses online will help you build up over several stages, the art of reading the body, the skills to use one's intuitive understanding and reading to alleviate, release and ease the body, mind and health of the receiver.

The course will focus on course work from study material, interactive webinars that allow you to discuss and learn from Virve and her team and also will introduce a Mastermind format that you will be using each others shared experience and skills to not only develop your practice, be it professional or for pleasure, and at the same time help you develop the all important life skills of your own personal growth.

These unique courses will be fun, interactive, challenging, educatonal and above all joyful.
There will also be opportunities to get together at some stage.

For those outside the UK, there will be courses and opportunities to meet, practice and get to know and perfect the Altai massage training for all.

The USA and Canada and Europe will be included in this program outside of the massage therapy courses online.

Join a trip to the Altai region
where change is initiated at great momentum

"Travel broadens the mind - The Altai expands it!"  A traveler on the trek to Mt Belukha

Foundation Practitioner

The  Course is for anyone who would like to bring massage and the art of touch into their lives perhaps with an eye toward a professional qualification or just as a great way to share healing with family and friends read more...

Advanced Practitioner

This course is for massage practitioners who already have the basic knowledge and qualifications of massage, anatomy and physiology. Read more...

Teachers Training

The Course is for qualified Altai Massage™ practitioners who can demonstrate a sufficient portfolio of case studies using the basic techniques.
Read more ....

A training for Life Health and the Advancement of Human Beingness see more....

Touch is human communication in action, through the body's individual and collective parts and love.
Healing starts from the Heart see more...

The magical, unspoilt jewel lying at the heart of Central Asia.
When The Divine created the World
Altai was asked to be the testament to Her Beauty find out more...

The therapeutic and life-enhancing benefits of Altai Massage™
Nature's own nurture through touch and communication


Essential connectivity

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